Although a perfect gentleman, Tommy Uren was not the sort of bloke a two-bob thug would like to upset on a dark night. Under-rated and if there is such a word - "under-remembered"! Tommy was a former Australian light, welter, and middleweight champion. He also fought as a heavyweight.
Tough an determined Tommy fought and beat some of the great names of the day - Clabby, Harry Stone, Fernand Quendreux, Eddie McGoorty and Fred Kay. His career spanned from 1916 to 1930 notching up 70 wins and 28 losses.
Born in 1893, Tommy died in 1954 aged 61.
Townsville Daily Bulletin, Tuesday 26 August 1924
At the Stadlum, Tommy Uren, 10.01, outpointed Merv Williams, 11.6, for the middleweight championship of Australia. In the first ten rounds Uren outbozed his opponent, using bis right to splendid .advantage. Williams was aggressive, but most of his leads were cleverly taken on the gloves. Williams rushed his opponent all round the ring until a left to the Jaw floored him for two seconds. Williams did most of the leading from the thirteenth to the twentieth round and repeatedly scored with lefts to the Jaw. Uren seemed content to box on the defensive and blocked many uppercuts. The referee's decision for Uren was a good oneCopyright Mike Hitchen, Lane Cove, NSW, Australia. All rights reserved